What we Believe

We believe that DRUGS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM; isolation, loneliness, and the quiet desperation of life lead to drug abuse, which leads to more isolation, loneliness, and desperation of life.

The goal of SIMON’S HOUSE is to assist participants in regaining control of their lives, making a successful return to a productive and drug/alcohol/crime-free way of life, rebuilding relationships with family and friends. This is accomplished through participation in Christian-based Program events and activities. Based on respect, common sense and common courtesy, these rules and guidelines are intended to serve the best interests of all Program Participants.

All SIMON’S HOUSE Participants are expected to diligently conduct themselves according to biblical principles of behavior -- such principles are found in Romans 12:9-21; Galatians 5:22-23; and Ephesians 4:1-3, 25-32.

Romans 12:9-21 from The Message Translation

Love from the center of who you are; don’t fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle.

Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.

Bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath. Laugh with your happy friends when they’re happy; share tears when they’re down. Get along with each other; don’t be stuck-up. Make friends with nobodies; don’t be the great somebody.

Don’t hit back; discover beauty in everyone. If you’ve got it in you, get along with everybody. Don’t insist on getting even; that’s not for you to do. “I’ll do the judging,” says God. “I’ll take care of it.”

Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he’s thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don’t let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good. 

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